Happy Chinese (Kuaile Hanyu:English Edition)
Course Category: Mid-High School , Series Course, Simplified Chinese
- 课本/练习Textbook / Workbook
- 课本Textbook
- 练习册Workbook
- 识字卡Vocabulary Cards
- 老师用书Teacher’s Guide
- 教材套装Courseware Sets
- 互动CD-ROMInteractive CD-ROM
KAILE HANYUconsists of 9books with three levels, including a student's book, a teacher's book and a workbook at each level. Inaddition, there are the flashcards, wallcharts, CDs and CD-ROMs supplemented to the student's books. From the design, the compiling to the publishing, we have made every effort to accord with learner's psychological conditions and needs of the students from 11to 16 years old, and with the requirements of foreign language curricula of certain countries. KUAILE HANYU focuses on the training of Chinese communicative competence, and also on motivating the learners. It is devoted to forming a solid foundation for the learners' further study.

语言是人类沟通信息、交流思想最直接的工具,是人们交流、交往的桥梁。随着中国的发展,近些年来世界上学习汉语的人越来越多,很多国家从小学、中学就开始了汉语教学。为了配合这一趋势,满足世界上中小学汉语教学对教材的需求,中国国家对外汉语教学领导小组办公室(中国国家汉办)立项并委托我们为母语为英语的中学生编写了系列汉语教材《快乐汉语》。 《快乐汉语》全套教材共9本,分为三个等级,每个等级有学生用书和配套的教师用书、练习册,另外还配有词语卡片、挂图、CD、CD-ROM等。该教材从设计、编写到制作出版,每一方面都力图做到符合11-16岁这个阶段学生的心理特点和学习需求,符合有关国家教学大纲的规定。教材重点培养学生在自然环境中学习汉语的兴趣和汉语交际能力,同时能够为以后继续学习和提高打下坚实的基础。 《快乐汉语》另外还有日语、韩语、俄语、意大利语、法语、德语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语等45种语言版本。
选择册数:(共3册) |
Language is the most direct way for mankind to communicate information and exchange ideas, and it serves as a bridge between different people and cultures. Chinese language, along with the rapid development of China's economy, is becoming increasingly popular in the world. Chinese language course are offered as early as primary school or junior middle school in many countries. To meet the needs for Chinese textbooks suitable for primary and junior middle school students, a project was founded by the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language(NOCFL) of China and we were entrusted with the work of compiling KUAILE HANYU, a series of Chinese textbooks for junior middle school students of English speaking countries. KAILE HANYUconsists of 9books with three levels, including a student's book, a teacher's book and a workbook at each level. Inaddition, there are the flashcards, wallcharts, CDs and CD-ROMs supplemented to the student's books. From the design, the compiling to the publishing, we have made every effort to accord with learner's psychological conditions and needs of the students from 11to 16 years old, and with the requirements of foreign language curricula of certain countries. KUAILE HANYU focuses on the training of Chinese communicative competence, and also on motivating the learners. It is devoted to forming a solid foundation for the learners' further study.
班级名称 Class Name |
级别 Grades |
老师 Instructor |
作业批改 Homework |
固定时段 Fixed Schedule |
1-1 辅导 1-to-1 Tutoring |
学费 Tuition |
开学日期 Session Start Date |
新班日期 New Session |
Textbook / Workbook
Some textbooks include workbook as a set, while many others are sold separately. Online course is not included.
The student’s textbook,some textbooks include related teaching material(such as CD-ROM). Online course is not included.
The student’s homework,some workbook is divided into single or even numbers volume ,some only a single book.
Flash Cards
Some course may offer vocabulary cards (flashcards), printed on binding paper, as the course supplementary material. Some cards may not pre-cut.Flashcards may be included as part of textbook purchase, or may charge additional to the main textbook.
Teacher’s Guide
Highlight key learning points, and offers general guidance on how to use the courseware. Some course sessions include the step by step structions.
Textbook Package
The combination of paper textbook and realted teaching material.there are a variety of forms,such as “paper textbook&CD-ROM”,”paper textbook&online course”etc..
CD-ROM contains course audio files, or interactive courseware. Some textbooks include CD-ROM, while many others are old separately.
PDF files are the digital version printed courseware. Some course may only offer PDF download. Online course and PDF download are the separate charge courseware, and calculated individually.
Online Courses
Online courses include interactive multimedia clips covering major learning points, and some or all course activities and exercises. It enables easy teaching and happy learning for both teachers and students.
Teaching used to cooperate with other tools,such as teaching kcal,word cards,wall charts,etc..