Publisher: 《朗朗中文》编辑组
Langlang Chinese Elementary
分类:小学 ,系列,简体
Course Category: Elementary , Series Course, Simplified Chinese
Course Category: Elementary , Series Course, Simplified Chinese
- 课本/练习Textbook / Workbook
- 课本Textbook
- 练习册Workbook
- 识字卡Vocabulary Cards
- 老师用书Teacher’s Guide
- 教材套装Courseware Sets
- 互动CD-ROMInteractive CD-ROM
- 教材PDF下载Textbook PDF Download
- 在线课程Online Interactive Course
《朗朗中文-小学》以其生动活泼的教学内容、精彩纷呈的互动课程、丰富完善的配套资源,受到许多学校和老师的欢迎,是多媒体中文教材最彻底、最大胆和最成功的一次尝试。 《朗朗中文-小学》根据中国国家汉办《新中小学生汉语考试》(YCT)标准编写,重点针对海外非中文背景(双语班)6-12岁少儿学生。
Welcome to Yes! Chinese, the most effective Chinese learning experience by Yes! Chinese. Langlang Chinese is a complete Chinese Language learning curriculum for young students. It integrates comprehensive in-class instruction with interactive home studies. The Langlang Chinese adheres to the Hanban Youth Leaner Chinese Test (YCT) standard. Langlang Chinese engages students with interactive online animated courses and highly intuitive textbooks. It fully utilizes the latest education technologies to offer a content-rich Chinese language learning experience for both classroom and home environments. The Chinese Starter book set includes both a textbook and a work-book. Supplementary materials include flashcards, interactive CDs, and online courses. We also provide a detailed teaching guide for teachers. The development of the Langlang Chinese program was a collaborative effort between Chinese language scholars, experienced teachers, and enthusiastic parents across the English-speaking world. The material is easy to teach, fun to learn, and one of the most effective courses available today. Please enjoy.